HD Hyundai Heavy Industries is the only company that has performed all basic designs for the Aegis destroyers, the most advanced destroyers currently in service in Korea. The company began research and development of combat ships 51 years ago. In 1976, it built the Ulsan-class frigate, the first domestically produced combat ship in South Korea.
In 2007, HD Hyundai Heavy Industries built the first 7,600-ton (Sejong the Great-class) Aegis destroyer, the KDX-III B-I. It became the third country in the world, after the United States and Japan, to independently construct an Aegis destroyer.
The company also built the 8,200-ton (Jeongjo the Great-class) next-generation Aegis destroyer KDX-III B-II, which was introduced by the Navy last year. This model enhanced ballistic missile interception capabilities, incorporated advanced radar, and applied domestic weapon systems compared to its predecessor.
Hanwha Ocean has participated in various next-generation submarine projects. The submarines it has built include the Chang Bogo-class, Son Won-il class, Type 214, and KSS-III.
The Chang Bogo-class submarine, the first domestically produced submarine built by Hanwha Ocean in 1990, is a diesel-electric propulsion submarine. It is capable of performing various missions including anti-submarine operations, anti-ship attacks, and intelligence gathering.
The Type 214 submarine, which can operate underwater without oxygen for longer periods than the Son Won-il class, was developed in technical cooperation with Germany's HDW. It has a more efficient AIP system compared to the Son Won-il class and is capable of high-speed submersion.
The 3,000-ton class KSS-III, a next-generation submarine delivered to the Navy in 2020, boasts higher performance compared to existing submarines. It has a larger displacement than the Type 214 and superior performance in terms of AIP and detection systems, as well as armaments.
Hanwha Ocean also participated in the Seoul-class destroyer projects KDX-I, KDX-II, and KDX-III. While HD Hyundai Heavy Industries focused on ship construction, Hanwha Ocean primarily contributed technical expertise. Hanwha Ocean was responsible for developing military systems related to weapon systems, electronic warfare and missile systems, and overall system integration for the entire KDX series.
Shin Haeju (hjs0509@fntimes.com)
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